Saw some folks!

Had a couple of chances to see some folks in Fresno over the weekend and actualy was able to capitalize on one of them. I was able to see Jana and Clari and Tim and Tracie C and Eric Day and Mike Reeves and Paul and Jana's cousin Brainal (who you see looking all ghost-like in this picture) and others (dave mckenzie lookalike guy whose name excapes me at the moment, Willie, brainals assorted Portland hangers-on, some random dfriend of Jana's named Aaron who looked EXACTLY like a 6'3" Daniel Radcliffe -- moaning myrtle indeed). It was fun and strange and Tower-district like. I remember how much I dislike Livingstone's even though it is no different than it ever was (did we ever like that place--or is it just open and convenient?). I hadn't been in Fresno in forever so it was nice to revisit old places with old friends. We traveled from 'stones to the Landmark where there was some live music (the band called it jazz but it was mostly just self-indulgent 70's blaxploitation soundtrack-sounding  freeform--not good. Guitar, Bass, Drums, lots of closing of the eyes and grimacing of the face while playing not terribly dificult stuff--wanking. At one point the leader turned to the other two guys and closed his eyes in this drug induced way and said "let's do, uh, you know, bum ba ba dee duh" the bassist was all "oh yeah cool man" I then knew everything I needed to know about those two. Apparently they had done Girl from Ipanema before  walked in, sorry to have missed that). Anyway if you know Tracie Cisneros, do me a favor and ask her to marry you -- don't ask why just do it -- it will be funny. Trust me. I want to get everyone I know to ask her at least once -- several of us have already done it so you wouldn't want to miss out. If you don't know her, tell me and I will give you her number so you can ask her to marry you anyway

Missed my second opportunity to see old friends tonight -- Marie and Tria and Jana and Marie's fiancee Jim and I am sure others were gathering at Livingstone's again (ugh) but I was planning on going anyway but the kidlings and the wife are all down with something gaggy and sticky and coughish and fluish, and I am dealing with less severe symptoms of the same thing so I did a grocery run and stayed in. I was very sorry to have missed it.

Chance number 3 happens this Friday when Phraug Ranaman and others will gather for sushi and drinks in Fresburg. No idea yet where exactly or who all will be there -- supposed to be Bobby and perhaps Edson (although I suspect he will opt out) -- I will go when given the details.

Interesting potential on the theatrical front -- I am still pondering things so I will leave it at that for now...but here is a hint "would you the supervisor, behold her topp'd?"