Early Morning Musings

So, I was finally updated by Edson about the whole asking the parents for their daughters' hand in marriage thing. Such a great story, although unbeknownst to me--since Edson does not keep me as updated as he should, a serious lapse that I have previously discussed--that all the time last night when I was stalking about wondering what in the heck was going on, well he had asked them at lunchtime and the whole thing was darn well over by the time I asked for my first update. Apparently our boy Edson was quite the charmer, had the mom in tears just walking into the restaurant (they so totally knew what was up and like the wise people they must be they said yes, there was a nice little story about how they had preplanned to mess with Edson and one of them agree and the other say no, but they got so caught up in the moment, and I am sure Edson was just so darned pathetically earnest and an emotional wreck that they forgot about messing with him and just went with it --opportunities missed there future Edson In-laws! You only had one chance to mess with him as he asked for her hand and you let it pass you by. Next time call me, we will work something out).  At any rate, they are playing along with the "we won't let Danielle in on the fact that Edson is going to ask her to marry him this weekend" but from the way Edson is telling it they are just a little over-the-top with the whole wink-wink smile way too broadly isn't he just the cutest damn thing you ever saw action and we will all be lucky if Danielle doesn't catch on.

At any rate, Edson is just a mess and Danielle and he are both just about the luckiest suckers in the world cause they are both just too great. So much fun. Misery loves company, and so on behalf of the married folks in the world -- welcome soon-to-be-aboard ex-playah! We are happy to have you!

All of this contrasts nicely with the completely stupid and ridiculous behavior that is going on at the home of the fairy shrimp UCM. I don't want to get into it all right now, but suffice it to say that no one is bothering to let facts, reality, or god forbid even the slightest bit of common sense get in the way of decision making par excellence. Always remember, when seeking information and making decisions under no circumstances should you ask the people who are responsible for the areas affected by your decisions, under no circumstances should you let any information that contradicts your preconceived and wrong notions get into your decision making process, and if all else fails avoid and lie. Ah yes, academic leadership at its very best! As always it is almost entertaining watching people pull crap that would absolutely cause nuclear explosions and complete hair-on-fire histrionics if ever pulled on them. It is almost entertaining because one, it is just too completely pathetic; and two, the crap is being pulled on us. But other than those two items...good times, good times.

Finally, why is it that people who you completely despise and who trash you to others want to act all nice to your face? What is that about? I am fine with the cordial collegial working relationships and refraining from the all-out fistfights at work and such, but don't go out of your way to be a complete ass to me, talk much smack in email, talk much more smack to others, (note to people in general, just cause someone listens to you talk trash does not mean that those someones are not going to completely turn around and go tell the person about whom you are talking said smack everything you said) and then go and try to give someone a gift of say candy or something. Because that? Not appreciated. And really, don't be surprised when the candy you left on my desk while I was gone gets back to you via interoffice mail with a small note saying "thanks for the thought, but not necessary." I don't feel like pretending you aren't a complete jerk. Shall we be adults at work? Yes. Shall I accept gifts from you? no. Bite me with your feeble attempts at assuaging your own asshattedness. And there it is...