Fun with Jeshamon and Acacia

Although not completely out of my bad mood, I stopped by Target on my way home and picked up Descent. Then I went home made a big pot of curve curry and read a little. Then I convinced Jeshamon and Acacia to watch the scary movie with me. What fun, they were both appropriately traumatized and the movie was as good as I remembered it to be and got me all tensed up and frightened like the first time. That is a quality piece of work--plus, watching it with the kids was loads of fun. Fortunately the outtakes were funny and showed one of the scary cave denizens doing a Mick Jagger impersonation so that helped take the edge off. The children are watching watership down right now to let them get some distance on the descent.
I am still a bit melancholy about friends and I wish this year was over already.