So it being 2:30 am it seems like the right time to get a little post in. Oatmeal cookies fresh out of the oven are sitting on the stovetop. The children are tucked snug in their beds - all Atwater because they are going to go see Aquamarine tomorrow. Acacia is just beside herself with excitement...I don't know. Mermaids, teenage girls, an outing. She is all gaspy and thrilled and it is hilarious. Hope the movie isn't as awful as it looks like it will be. She will, or rather she is, today, 16. 16. My daughter is 16. Good lord.

I am a month and some days away from 40. 40. I am almost 40. Good lord.

What in the world is going on? How did this happen. I don't feel like the almost 40 year old father of a 16 year old. Although I suppose I do, since that is how I feel and that is what I am and there you are. Well enough about that for now. I am sure I shall return to this trope again in the weeks to come. 16. 40. *sigh*

Stayed home from work today as I woke up feeling very badly. Headachey and ultra-tired and no, not 40, just sick. shaddup. Feeling better now, but not looking forward to the marathon of meetings tomorrow. T2s (transition to site), Site and infrastructure, whatever other meeting I have had added or haven't remembered. I know there are several. Thank goodness someone came to their senses and moved the Science olympiad from our campus -- pure folly to think we would be ale to count on any of the construction being done in time for anything to happen. I don't know why anyone even pretends to believe the dates that get thrown out, they haven't a single one and they haven't even been close. Oh well, I am sure we will hear more interesting tales of interesting scheduling tomorrow. What a farce. Spent the day in bed and got absolutely nothing done. Except for the South park characters you see below. Those are fun.

Ordered the little beasts pizza tonight. Caved in to the pressure and ordered them that repulsive looking cheesy-bites pizza from Pizza Hut. Happy to report that it is exactly as vile as it looks and as I thought it would be. The children hated it. Jeshamon apologized for not believing me that it would be awful. He promises to believe me next time. You and I know he will not keep that promise. The headstrong little chip off the block will have to have it proven to him via his own experience. He will not be swayed by my fatherly ways. When will they ever learn? I should be heeded. Work, Home, Life, Art-- Heed me. Fail to heed me at your peril. That is all I am saying. And yes, Edson/Thinh/Bobby/Jeshamon I am talking to you. I feel like Cassandra.

No new news on the Gabe Edwards front. He is still on investigative leave (whatever the heck that is supposed to mean). The guy copied his parking pass--how much investigation does that take? I wish people would stop trying to COA and just admit they overreacted and let it go. Good grief. Rich is still fighting to bring him back, I believe, and EVIL HR (I know, redundant that) is fighting to get him gone. Muttbert, the evil HR Director cannot retire fast enough for me. Maybe we will get someone in who will do something other than bitch, moan, complain, whine, delay, and otherwise denigrate the employees. Although we will be getting an HR director so perhaps that is asking to much. Anyway, here's hoping for a positive outcome on this one.

Didn't get a chance to watch anything - -and I don't even know who got bounced on Idol yet. So don't tell me. I will find out. I have a bad feeling though -- so that probably means Sway is out. Which makes me sad. Maybe there will be a wildcard chance for him. Or maybe voters came to their senses and David and Taylor are out. Or not. Probably Kinnik (who I forgot before and who I actually love, so yeah, she is probably gone). Alright anyway. Enough of all that.

Curving outwards.