American idolatry

Asian Movie of the day -
R-point. Korean Army horror (no not the horror of being in the Korean army, although I am sure that must suck. Mandatory army time. Every male. All of them. All go. Have to. I don't know if they have any "dont' ask, don't tell" bullshit over there--my guess is they just pretend that it doesn't exist at all so there is no reason to worry about it. But honestly, how completely altered would the national character of every man be if we ALL had to do mandatory army time--not just those guys who are ultra-patriotic, or like shop class, or like GI Joe and stuff, but ALL of us? Good grief what a frickin nightmare. It is outside of my ability to actually fully comprehend. I can't even begine to imagine the ridiculous level of counseling and altered states this service must create in this society. Was watching a different movie [Ditto, liked it, will write about it later] and it was set [partially] at a university and there was this scene where the girls are checking out this bulletin board that had the pictures of the "returning" students on it and they were all guys and I was very confused until I figured out that they were returning back to school from their mandatory two year military service. The concept just rattled me. So between freshman and sophomore years all the guys just go away for two years and throwback guys from two years ago return and take their place and have all of this stuff they have to work out from being in the freakin army for two years but here they picking up where they left off and how completely strange would that be? But anyway, what was I parenthetically yakkin about? Oh yeah. So no this movie isn't about the horror of the Korean Army). A horror movie that involves soldiers and peripherally does have, yes, a ghost with long black hair, but no not in the Juon, Wig, Voice, Memento Mori, insert asian horror movie title here way. Unsettling, very well shot, interesting movie. I liked it. A 300 degree curve. (that is my new movie and everything else rating system -- my own little "two-thumbs up" scheme -- awesome would be a 360 degree curve (ie a circle) craptacular would be a 0 degree curve (a line). Examples -- 360 degrees? Ping Pong (not the game the movie). 0 degrees? Adam Sandler.

So yeah -- get that movie. It is a keeper.

TV- American Idol -- love it. Hate the contestants mostly. The show is crack.
HATE: Taylor, Kellie, Taylor, Gedeon, Taylor, David, Taylor, Kevin (keebler), Taylor, Bucky, Taylor. Oh and Taylor.
Whatever: Melissa, Ace, the peterbrady lookin one who I can't remember his name (will?), Heather,
Like: Chris, Lisa, Elliot,
Like a lot but not love: Paris (was loving her but I think her obnoxious showboating celebrating when she was safe was, well, obnoxious)
Love: Mandisa, Sway (shutup), Katherine.
I am missing some there but they don't count because I don't remember them. I am missing three. I don't know, and I can't be bothered right now to look them up. So the other three, whoever they are? They go in the Whatever category.
Love this show and all of its cheesy goodness.

Watching: Fell asleep on Running on Karma -- only because I was dead dog tired and not because it isn't worthwhile. Bobby Bliatout also gave me "love is a many stupid thing" with the usual cast of Hong Kong Actor suspects in it -- could be good could be bad. crap shoot. I will report later. Hooked on "winter sonata" I am through episode 6 and have to wait for cinflix to send out the next episodes. Cliffhanger with some boards falling and someone might be crushed. Awesome. This is like Phoenix in its completely frustrating clueless idiot heroine-girl and their not talking things out selves. Happy with it.

Waiting to get into my DVD player: The Hidden Blade, A queer Story, Blue Gate Crossing, Chingu, Other films whose names escape me.

Potential Asian Movies of the day : Perhaps Love, Formula 17, Binyip, Marathon, others.

Listening to: Imogen Heap, Heather Headley, Kelly Clarkson, Raul Midion, Billy Porter.

curving out.